(Including: Indirect Infringement; Doctrine of Equivalents; Willful Infringement)
CLOUDOFCHANGE, LLC, v. NCR CORPORATION, Appeal No. 2023-1111 (Fed. Cir. December 18, 2024). Before Dyk, Reyna, and Stoll. Appealed from W.D. Tex. (Judge Albright). (Divided Infringement)
CLOUDOFCHANGE, LLC, v. NCR CORPORATION事件、上訴番号 2023-1111(CAFC、2024年12月18日)。Dyk裁判官、Reyna裁判官、Stoll裁判官による審理。テキサス州西部地区地方裁判所(Albright裁判官)の判決を不服としての上訴。(分割侵害)
FRESHUB, INC. v. AMAZON.COM, INC., Appeals Nos. 2022-1391 and 2022-1425 (Fed. Cir. February 26, 2024). Before Reyna, Taranto, and Chen. Appealed from W.D. Tex. (Judge Albright). (Infringement; Inequitable Conduct)
FRESHUB, INC. v. AMAZON.COM, INC.事件、上訴番号 2022-1391および2022-1425 (CAFC、 2024年2月26日)。Reyna裁判官、Taranto裁判官、Chen裁判官による審理。テキサス州西部地区地方裁判所(Judge Albright)の判決を不服としての上訴。(侵害; 不公正行為)
VLSI TECHNOLOGY LLC v. INTEL CORP., Appeal No. 2022-1906 (Fed. Cir. December 4, 2023). Before Lourie, Dyk, and Taranto. Appealed from W.D. Tex. (Judge Albright). (Infringement)
VLSI TECHNOLOGY LLC v. INTEL CORP.事件、上訴番号2022-1906 (CAFC、2023年12月4日)。Lourie裁判官、Dyk裁判官、Taranto裁判官による審理。テキサス州西部地区地方裁判所(Albright裁判官)の判決を不服としての上訴。(侵害)
EDGEWELL PERSONAL CARE BRANDS, LLC. v. MUNCHKIN, INC., Appeal No. 2020-1203 (Fed. Cir. March 9, 2021). Before Newman, Moore and Hughes. Appealed from C.D. Cal. (Judge Gutierrez). (Doctrine of Equivalents)
EDGEWELL PERSONAL CARE BRANDS, LLC. v. MUNCHKIN, INC.事件、上訴番号 2020-1203 (CAFC、2021年3月9日)。Newman裁判官、Moore裁判官、Hughes裁判官による審理。カリフォルニア州中部地区地方裁判所(Gutierrez裁判官)による判決を不服としての上訴。(均等論)
GODO KAISHA IP BRIDGE 1 v. TCL COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY HOLDINGS LTD., Appeal No. 2019-2215 (Fed. Cir. August 4, 2020). Before Prost, Newman, and O’Malley. Appealed from D. Del. (Judge Bataillon). (Standard Essentiality, Infringement)
GODO KAISHA IP BRIDGE 1 v. TCL COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY HOLDINGS LTD.事件、上訴番号2019-2215 (CAFC、2020年8月4日)。Prost裁判官、Newman裁判官、O’Malley裁判官による審理。デラウエア州地区地方裁判所(Bataillon裁判官)の判決を不服としての上訴。(標準必須性、侵害)
EAGLE PHARM. INC., v. SLAYBACK PHARMA LLC, Appeal No. 2019-1924 (Fed. Cir. May 8, 2020). Before O’Malley, Reyna, and Chen. Appealed from D. Del. (Judge Connolly). (Doctrine of Equivalents, Disclosure-Dedication Doctrine)
EAGLE PHARM. INC., v. SLAYBACK PHARMA LLC事件、上訴番号2019-1924(2020年5月8日、CAFC)。O’Malley裁判官、Reyna裁判官、 Chen裁判官による審理。デラウエア州地区地方裁判所(Connolly裁判官)の判決を不服としての上訴。(均等論, 開示による公衆への権利移動の法理)
CURVER LUXEMBOURG, SARL, v. HOME EXPRESSIONS INC., Appeal No. 2018-2214 (Fed. Cir. September 12, 2019). Before Chen, Hughes, and Stoll. Appealed from D.N.J. (Judge McNulty) (Design Infringement)
CURVER LUXEMBOURG, SARL, v. HOME EXPRESSIONS INC.事件、上訴番号2018-2214 (CAFC、2019年9月12日)。Chen裁判官、Hughes裁判官、Stoll裁判官による審理。 ニュージャージー州地区地方裁判所(McNulty裁判官)の判決を不服としての上訴。(意匠侵害)
LIFETIME INDUSTRIES, INC, V. TRIM-LOK, INC., Appeal No. 2017-1096 (Fed. Cir. September 18, 2017). Before Lourie, Moore, and O’Malley. Appealed from N. D. Ind. (Judge Miller). (Pleading Requirements For Patent Infringement)
INTELLECTUAL VENTURES I LLC v. MOTOROLA MOBILITY LLC, Appeal No. 2016-1795 (Fed. Cir. September 13, 2017). Before Newman, Dyk, and Taranto. Appealed from D. Del. (Judge Robinson). (Direct Infringement)
GEORGETOWN RAIL EQUIPMENT COMPANY V. HOLLAND L.P., Appeal No. 2016-2297 (Fed. Cir. August 1, 2017). Before Reyna, Schall, and Wallach. Appealed from E.D. Tex. (Judge Schroeder III). (Claim Construction; Infringement)
MYLAN INSTITUTIONAL LLC. V. AUROBINDO PHARMA LTD., Appeal No. 2017-1645 (Fed. Cir. May 19, 2017). Before Lourie, Moore, and Reyna. Appealed from E.D. Tex. (Judge Schroeder). (Doctrine of Equivalents in Chemical Cases)
LIFE TECHNOLOGIES v. PROMEGA, No. 14-1538 (U.S. February 22, 2017). Sotomayor, Kennedy, Ginsburg, Breyer, Kagan, Thomas, Alito. Appealed from Fed. Cir. (Judges Prost, Meyer, Chen). (Infringement)
ELI LILLY AND COMPANY v. TEVA PARENTERAL MEDICINES, INC., Appeal No. 2015-2067 (Fed. Cir. January 12, 2017). Before Prost, Newman and Dyk. Appealed from S.D. Ind. (Judge Pratt). (Induced Infringement)
MEDGRAPH, INC. v. MEDTRONIC, INC., Appeal No. 2015-2019 (Fed. Cir. December 13, 2016). Before Taranto, Plager and Lourie. Appealed from W.D.N.Y. (Judge Larimer). (Direct Infringement)
WARSAW ORTHOPEDIC, INC. v. NUVASIVE, INC., Appeal Nos. 2013-1576, -1577, (Fed. Cir. June 3, 2016). Before Dyk, Lourie, and Reyna. Appealed from S.D. Cal. (Judge Bencivengo). (Induced Infringement)
INTENDIS GMBH v. GLENMARK PHARMACEUTICALS INC., USA, Appeal No. 15-1902 (Fed. Cir. May 16, 2016). Before Prost, Moore, Taranto. Appealed from D. Del. (Judge Robinson). (Doctrine of Equivalents)
HOWMEDICA OSTEONICS CORP. v. ZIMMER, INC., Appeal No. 2015-1232, -1234, -1239 (Fed. Cir. May 12, 2016). Before O’Malley, Plager and Wallach. Appealed from D.N.J. (Judge Wigenton). (Claim Construction – Doctrine of Equivalents)
MANKES v. VIVID SEATS LTD., Appeal Nos. 2015-1500, 2015-1501 (Fed. Cir. April 22, 2016). Before Taranto, Schall, and Chen. Appealed from E.D.N.C. (Judge Flanagan). (Divided Infringement)
CUBIST PHARMACEUTICALS, INC. v. HOSPIRA, INC., Appeal Nos. 2015-1197, -1204, -1259 (Fed. Cir. November 12, 2015). Before Wallach, Bryson, and Hughes. Appealed from D. Del. (Judge Sleet). (Invalidity and Infringement)
CARNEGIE MELLON UNIVERSITY v. MARVELL TECHNOLOGY GROUP, LTD., Appeal No. 2014-1492 (Fed. Cir. August 4, 2015). Before Wallach, Taranto, Chen. Appealed from W.D. Pa. (Judge Fischer). (Willful Infringement)
AKAMAI TECHNOLOGIES, INC. v. LIMELIGHT NETWORKS, INC, Appeal Nos. 2009-1372, -1380, -1416, -1417 (Fed. Cir. May 13, 2015). Before Prost, Linn and Moore. Appealed from D. Mass. (Judge Zobel). (Infringement)
CADENCE v. EXELA, Appeal No. 2014-1184 (Fed. Cir. March 23, 2015). Before Reyna, Linn, and Wallach. Appealed from D. Del. (Judge Stark). (Claim Construction/Doctrine of Equivalents)
WARSAW ORTHOPEDIC, INC. v. NUVASIVE, INC., Appeal Nos. 2013-1576, -1577 (Fed. Cir. March 2, 2015). Before Lourie, Dyk, and Reyna. Appealed from S.D. Cal. (Judge Bencivengo) (Infringement; Damages)
BARD PERIPHERAL VASCULAR, INC. v. W.L. GORE & ASSOCIATES, INC., Appeal No. 2014-1114 (Fed. Cir. January 13, 2015). Before Prost, Hughes and Newman. Appealed from D. Ariz. (Judge Murguia). (Standing; Willfulness)
AQUA SHIELD v. INTER POOL COVER TEAM, Appeal No. 2014-1263 (Fed. Cir. December 22, 2014). Before Wallach, Taranto and Chen. Appealed from D. Utah (Judge Stewart). (Damages; Willfulness)
STRYKER CORP., v. ZIMMER, INC., Appeal No. 2013-1668 (Fed. Cir. December 19, 2014). Before Prost, Newman and Hughes. Appealed from W.D. Mich. (Judge Jonker). (Infringement; Willfulness)
HALO ELECTRONICS, INC. v. PULSE ELECTRONICS, INC., Appeal No. 2013-1472 (Fed. Cir. October 22, 2014). Before Lourie, O’Malley, Hughes. Appealed from D. Nev. (Judge Pro). (Infringement; Extraterritorial Effect)
SSL SERVICES, LLC V. CITRIX SYSTEMS, INC., Appeal No. 2013-1419, -1420 (Fed. Cir. October 14, 2014). Before Lourie, Linn, and O’Malley. Appealed from E.D. Tex. (Judge Gilstrap). (General Verdict Rule; Prevailing Party; Willful Infringement)
FERRING B.V. v. WATSON LABORATORIES, INC. AND APOTEX INC., Appeal Nos. 2014-1377 and 2014-1416 (Fed. Cir. August 22, 2014). Before Lourie, Dyk, and Reyna. Appealed from D. Nev. (Judge Jones). (§271(e)(2) Infringement)
AUGME TECH., INC v. YAHOO! INC., Appeal Nos. 2013-1121, -1195 (Fed. Cir. June 20, 2014). Before Moore, Schall and Reyna. Appealed from N.D. Cal. (Judge Spero). (DOE Infringement)
LIMELIGHT NETWORKS, INC. v. AKAMAI TECHNOLOGIES, INC., Appeal No. 12-786 (U.S. June 2, 2014). Delivered by Alito. Appealed from Fed. Cir. (en banc). (Induced Infringement)
BRAINTREE LABORATORIES, INC. v. NOVEL LABORATORIES INC., Appeal No. 2013‑1438 (Fed. Cir. April 22, 2014). Before Dyk, Prost, and Moore. Appealed from D.N.J. (Judge Sheridan). (Infringement, Claim Construction)
RING & PINION SERVICE, INC. v. ARB CORPORATION, Appeal No. 2013-1238 (Fed Cir. February 19, 2014). Before Moore, Clevenger and Reyna. Appealed from W.D. Washington (Judge Martinez). (Infringement, Claim Vitiation)
MEDTRONIC, INC. v. MIROWSKI FAMILY VENTURES, LLC, Appeal No. 12-1128 (U.S. Supreme Court January 22, 2014). Appealed from Federal Circuit (Judges Lourie, Linn and Prost). (Burden of Proof – Infringement; Declaratory Judgment)